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Robby Poblete Foundation: Vallejo 5K Glo Run: Oct6

The Robby Poblete Foundation Presents: Vallejo 5K Glo Run

The Robby Poblete Foundation is thrilled to present the 2018 Vallejo Waterfront Weekend 5K Glo Run on October 6, 2018.

The run starts with a ferry ride @ 6:30 PM from the Vallejo Waterfront Terminal to the newly built Mare Island Terminal, then a point-to-point course around Vallejo’s historical naval base. Participants will finish the last mile running past the Mare Island Causeway Bridge with scenic views of the downtown and waterfront areas. The event also includes a post-race party with food and live entertainment in conjunction with the Vallejo Waterfront Weekend festivities. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Robby Poblete Foundation and its programs to reduce gun violence and increase opportunities through art and vocational skills programs.

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